This very seldom seen type of Moore's No.1 deringer retains about 50% of the silver-plate on the frame, barrel has vestiges of the original blueing. The 2.5" barrel is serial numbered 3307 on the bottom. The left side of the frame has a rare factory engraving of game birds [sandpipers?] in a marsh, and not the standard scrolls. The top of the frame in front of the cock is engraved with a cavalry saber, another possibly unique feature. Arrows pointing to the muzzle are engraved on both sides of the barrel. Top of the barrel is marked MOORE'S PAT F A CO. BROOKLYN NY. Bottom is marked PAT FEB 24 1863. The bore is just about mirror-bright, with specs of pitting. Hammer and cock function fine, the swivel barrel assembly also works.
An excellent Civil War period personal arm, most probably of an officer or a soldier, that has never been on the market, as it just came out of a Massachusetts estate!
An excellent Civil War period personal arm, most probably of an officer or a soldier, that has never been on the market, as it just came out of a Massachusetts estate!