This early English or American naval dirk hails from the period spanning 1795-1805, give or take a couple of years. An unusual feature is the size and length of the grip, measuring about 14 cm, which indicates, in my opinion, that the dirk was custom-made for a naval officer of a monumental build and stature. The single edged blade is of cut and thrust shape, unmarked and undecorated. Perhaps the purchaser wanted to avoid the expense in favor of the performance... Blade has been cleaned in the past. The hilt mounts are gilded brass, with a rudimentary disk guard, aften seen on the officers dirks of that time frame. Quillons are simple and graceful. Pommel is pillow-shaped, terminating in a capstan knob, onto which the blade's tang is peened. There is a previous owner's collection tag attached to the knob.
I have placed another naval dirk of the same period side by side with piece being offered here, to demonstrate the large size of the grip.
I have placed another naval dirk of the same period side by side with piece being offered here, to demonstrate the large size of the grip.