
 This presentation Leuku knife from Lapland is easy to date, as it is inscribed with the date 27.09.1694 and presentation to Claude M. De Vorss. The recipient of the knife is well-known around the world, and the knife was presented to him on account of his being elected President of The International Association of Lions Clubs, a well-respected world charitable society.

This one of a kind Leuku is mounted with reindeer bone, meticulously worked by a terrific craftsman. Blade is 20 cm long and 3.5 cm wide, and engraved along its whole length. The blade is maker-marked "Walm. Wäinö Suopajärvi Roi", which stands for "Maker Väinö Suopajärvi, Rovaniemi".
Photos do not reflect the true beauty of this unique knife.

From the web - "Past International President Claude M. de Vorss

Claude M. DeVorss of Wichita, Kansas, USA, was elected president of The International Association of Lions Clubs at the association's 47th annual convention in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, July 1964.

Past President DeVorss is a former mayor of Wichita, the largest city in Kansas. He served four years in the city's government and two terms on the Kansas League of Municipalities. While serving as mayor of Wichita, he was elected president of the World Congress of Mayors in Italy.

A Lion since 1945, Past President DeVorss has recorded 54 years perfect attendance and has a life membership in the Wichita Downtown Lions Club - one of the largest Lions clubs in the world. He has held many offices, including district governor, and served as the U.S. Representative on the Board of International Relations. He served a two-year term as a member of the association's board of directors from 1957-59, and was appointed to the Executive Committee of the International Board of Directors. He is also a former member of the Leader Dog Board and a current member of the board of regents of Wichita State University.

For his many contributions to the association, Past President De Vorss has received the 100% District Governor Award, 28 Head of State Awards, 16 International President's Awards and is a Melvin Jones Fellow. He has also received the Ambassador of Goodwill Award, the highest honor granted by the association to its members, and the "Kansas Outstanding Lion" trophy by the Lions of Kansas. He has sponsored 382 new Lion members and received the Key Member Medal for 120 new members.

He was cited by the International Supreme Council to the DeMolay Legion of Honor and given a Life Membership. He is listed in "Who's Who In America."

Past President De Vorss and his wife, Bernice, have one daughter, Nancy